It’s been a long time.
I’ll turn over a new leaf and restarting this blog regularly.

So I re-introduce myself.
I’m Takahiro Sumida. 40 years old.
I’m a designer, an artisan and an owner of lacquersmith LYNX.
I learned to paint urushi in a home of lacquer ware. Then I decided to independently start a business.
But I selected to make jewelry with urushi instead of lacquer ware.
Because I want you to feel it more closer.
There are some jewelry which made from wood. But I’d rather use metal than using wood.
The big problem is still remains. Urushi causes rashes.
I found the solution, which is Yaki urushi (Baking lacquer) method.(I’ll explain later)
Heat kills enzyme which cause of rashes. So you can were our product with a peace of mind.

When you heard “Japan” what do you imagine?
Yes! There are so many cool stuff around SAMURAI. So I choose YOROI(SAMURAI armor) as a motif.
Please take a look Portfolio page, you can see what I create.

That’s enough for today.
See you soon.


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日々の作業に追われ長い間ここを放置していましたが、 心機一転今後は定期的にここに色々書いていくことにしました。 これまでは主に英語でブログを更新していましたが、今回から日本語と英語両方の言葉で書いていきたいと思います。 では改めて自己紹介から始めたいと思います。 私、名前を角田高廣(スミダ タカヒロ) 1975年東京生まれ、今年不惑の40歳。 漆器の本場輪島で漆塗りを学び、 4年前より工房「漆貴 山猫堂 (しっき やまねこどう)」を山梨県北杜市にて開きました。 「漆貴…